Teddy Cricket - curriculum based Sports Education Programme
We inspire children aged 2½ to 5+ years to get active and learn to play cricket.
It works by combining Music, Pictures and Teddy Bear Characters into a totally interactive learning adventure that young children love.

Young children everywhere love playing Teddy Cricket!
Teddy Cricket’s curriculum based teaching system has been developed using the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) accelerated learning style:
Applying the VAK multi-sensory learning approach to teaching has proved to be very effective, particularly for young children so when they play Teddy Cricket, they see it, they hear it, they do it and they really get it…and they LOVE it too!
Teddy Cricket helps establish the basis of a healthy life style for children by making exercise and activity FUN and involving. Once children get the bug for being active, they will want to stay active for good.